END DATE: 16/08/2019 TOTAL PRICE : $80 worth of Bitcoin Twitter User ID: 710913 % 100 LEGIT GIVEAWAY
21 posts
END DATE: 19/08/2019 TOTAL PRICE : $30 worth of Bitcoin $15 x 2 people Twitter User ID: 1111257088158826497 % 100 LEGIT GIVEAWAY
END DATE: 21/08/2019 TOTAL PRICE : $30 worth of TRX tron 150 TRX x 10 people Twitter User ID: 959047369512796161
END DATE: Unspecificied TOTAL PRICE : $100 x 10 people total $1000 Twitter User ID: 1102247259662508032
END DATE: 18/08/2019 TOTAL PRICE : 150NXS Nexus coin X 3 people worth of 40 USDT Twitter User ID: 1111257088158826497